
2023年11月7日—Allthosegiftsaddeduptogetherwouldcostyouawhopping$197,071.09whenyoucounteachrepetitionofthesongaccordingtothecurrent ...,2023年12月8日—Byaddingupeachofthenumbersinthe'Totalnumberofgiftsreceived'column,wefindwereceiveawhopping364presentsintotal.That's ...,2023年12月5日—Yourtruelovehasgivenyouawhoppingnumberof364giftsoverthe12DaysofChristmas.That'salmostonegiftadayforawholeyear!It'...

12 Days of Christmas

2023年11月7日 — All those gifts added up together would cost you a whopping $197,071.09 when you count each repetition of the song according to the current ...

How Many Gifts Did I Get Over the Twelve Days of ...

2023年12月8日 — By adding up each of the numbers in the 'Total number of gifts received' column, we find we receive a whopping 364 presents in total. That's ...

How Many Gifts in the 12 Days of Christmas

2023年12月5日 — Your true love has given you a whopping number of 364 gifts over the 12 Days of Christmas. That's almost one gift a day for a whole year! It's ...

How Many Gifts in the 12 Days of Christmas Song

2023年11月28日 — The 12 Days of Christmas song unveils a lavish array of gifts exchanged over the twelve-day period, summing up to an impressive total of 364 ...

How Many Gifts in the 12 Days of Christmas?

2023年11月24日 — In this joyous exploration, we'll dive into the iconic song, uncovering the enchanting number of gifts presented during the Yuletide season.


Replacing 'n' with the number 12 in this formula (we call this 'substitution'), the twelfth tetrahedral number – and the answer to our puzzle – is T(12) = (1/6)( ...

The Twelve Days of Christmas (song)

It has thirteen days rather than twelve, and the number of gifts does not increase in the manner of The Twelve Days. Its final verse, as published in Chambers ...

The Twelve Days of Christmas

2008年12月16日 — So the easiest way to count our presents is to add up to the middle of the list and then double the result: (12 + 22 + 30 + 36 + 40 + 42) × 2 = ...

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